+Scott Watson

Monday 17 February 2014

Former Greetland Academy Governor Takes School Complaint to Heart of Government

Former Greetland Academy Governor Takes School Complaint to
Heart of Government

For Immediate Release – Interviews Available 

At a time when Ofsted boss Sir Michael Wilshaw is calling for School Governors to be more accountable, one former West Yorkshire School Governor is taking the challenge to the heart of Government.

Scott Watson, a director of a Halifax–based HR consultancy and a former Governor of Greetland Academy, has highlighted alarming issues surrounding the appointment and effective management of teaching staff at the school.

According to Watson, the situation has been worsened by the Principal and Chair of Governors’ evasive behaviour to serious concerns he raised while serving as an elected member of the Governing Body.

Ofsted has advised Watson that it cannot become involved in reviewing the complaint as it falls outside its remit.

“Ultimately, the Governing Body can do what it likes. It’s a license to operate outside the law,” he claims.

"I was appointed as a Governor by parents in November 2011, with a remit to improve the quality of teaching, ensure accountability within the Governing Body and achieve transparency in the decision making process,” states Watson.

“My experience highlighted that the Principal and Chair of Governors were more concerned with paying lip service to the Government’s requirements, while presenting a façade to the community and stakeholders they are trusted to serve,” he adds.

"During a meeting with the Principal and Chair of Curriculum and Staffing Committee, I was encouraged to make a formal complaint against a teacher. Prior to this, the Principal described the teacher’s appointment as 'regrettable'. If the individual concerned was not performing to the required standard, why did the Governing Body waste two years?" explains Watson.

“Given my experience in the sector, it is abundantly clear to me that the incorrect interpretation of Government process has cost the school two years of wasted salary and benefits, as well as an incalculable lost opportunity to deliver effective teaching to students who deserve better, and whose parents understandably expect better,” states Watson.

“And now, Ofsted says it has no power to intervene in the failures of school Governing Bodies,” he concludes.

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Editors Notes:

Scott Watson is available for broadcast media interview by contacting Chris Shaw at Sure Media Relations.

  • Governorline is the Government's independent helpline for school Governors. While funded by the Department for Education, Governorline operates independently and provides expert guidance and advice to Governors.
  • Due to the fact that making an official complaint about a Governing Body falls outside Ofsted’s legal responsibilities, the only way to have a matter investigated is by submitting a complaint to an Academy's Governing Body.
  • In essence, the Governing Body would investigate itself.

Press Information:

Chris Shaw
Sure Media Relations
Telephone 01484 696 066
Mobile 07527 448 650
E-mail chris@suremediarelations.co.uk